anglais1Aliciane Julien, jeune designer d'intérieur

Les élèves de 2 BTS C accompagnés de leur professeure d'anglais Mme Jonquet ont pu rencontrer Aliciane Julien.

The 2BTSC welcomed Aliciane Julien, an interior architect, on the 9th and 23rd of January 2023. 
Currently working at D+B, she presented them her company, her job, and her career, beginning with her study at ENSAAMA. 
For many students, it was a unique experience to discover a new range of studies, related to hospitality industry. 
She discussed her projects, mentioning the difficulties of combining the design and the ergonomy. Aliciane gave the students an assignment to work on, so that they could begin to grapple with some of these difficulties themselves.
She was an inspiring speaker and we hope to come across some of her designs as we continue in our own line of work in hospitality.